domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

explaining me

Dear readers,
I know I'm not posting very much in the lasts days (weeks, and until months), it's because i'm trying to adapt myself to the new life in Norway. The only way I can join to the culture here is forgetting my first language and trying to just thinking in english, what is very hard to me. I also can't think well because every thing here are so diferent than I was used to, so I'm a bit confuse. That's the reason for I haven't writed to much lasts weeks: I'm so confuse for having ideas for posts. And I'm having no time to read books too, so I can't write reviews.
But please, dear readers, dot forget me. I'll continuous to write and start write more next month, I promise :)

Um comentário:

  1. Jeg vet hvordan det føles. Livet i Brasil og livet i Norge er så forskjellig! Jeg håper likevel det vil være verdt det..tiden går fort så er du tilbake til Brasil og Norge vil befinne seg langt borte og du bestemmer om du vil noen gang komme tilbake.
